Targetting the lymphatic system, liver and gallblader

Targeting the
Lymphatic System
(and Cellulite)
People’s natures are basically the same; it is their practices which set them far apart.
In this chapter you will learn
• How the lymphatic system plays an important role in keeping your body healthy • The many symptoms, such as pain, inflammation, and cellulite, that are linked with a sluggish lymphatic system • Why it is important to cleanse your lymphatic system for optimum health • How to use foods, herbs, deep breathing, massage, and rebounding to assist with cleansing your lymphatic system Chapter .: Targeting the Lymphatic System (and Cellulite) ...
YOUR LYMPHATIC SYSTEM Virtually every book on detoxification or detox program that claims to cleanse your whole body consists of cleansing two systems: the intestines and liver. The last time I looked, these two organ systems did not make up the entire human body, quite thankfully, I might add. The lymphatic system is possibly the most neglected cleansing and healing system in your body, yet it is immensely powerful.
You were introduced to the lymphatic system in Chapter 5. Th is system is one of the main means of effi cient detoxification in your body. Mention the liver to people, and they have an idea about the organ; if you mention the lymph system to people, they may think you’re speaking in tongues. Known or not, the importance of this system is undeniable. It is frequently the difference between good and poor health.
As you learned in Chapter 5, the lymph system is a complex network of fl uid-filled nodes, glands, and tubes that bathe our cells and carry the body’s “sewage” away from the tissues and neutralize it. A recent study found that 80 percent of overweight women have sluggish lymphatic systems and that getting them flowing smoothly is the key to easy weight loss and improved feelings of well-being.1
The lymphatic system comprises lymph glands, nodes, spleen, thymus, and tonsils, as well as vessels and ducts. These elements of the lymph system work together to carry cellular waste to the bloodstream. It handles toxins that enter your body from external sources such as foods or air pollution but also deals with internally produced toxins (endotoxins) that are the result of normal metabolic processes in your body. One example is infl ammation in the body. Th e lymph system helps carry the waste products of inflammation to your blood to be eliminated.
Lymph fluid enters your veins near your heart and in doing so enters your bloodstream. Once toxins have been swept up in the lymph system and dumped into the bloodstream, the kidneys take over, filtering the blood to remove the toxins.
... The .-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan
Lymph fluid relies on breathing, movement, and massage to fl ow effectively. Keeping the fl uid flowing is a severe problem among most people who lead a sedentary life and breathe shallowly. However, sluggish lymph may still be an issue even if you get adequate exercise. There is three times more lymph fl uid in the body than blood, yet there is no organ like the heart to pump lymph. That means it relies on deep breathing and increased activity to move.
Stress plays a role in lymph flow as well since we tend to breathe shallowly during stressful situations. During Phase 2 of the detox plan, you will begin to incorporate the deep breathing techniques discussed in Chapter 6 into your life. I encourage you to incorporate this change into your daily life even after you are finished with this plan. Th e benefits of improved breathing are many.
You will begin to improve the flow of the lymphatic system during The 4-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan. If you are prone to problems with the lymphatic system, you may need a more concerted effort to cleanse the lymph. How do you know if your lymph system needs more cleansing? Here is a short quiz to help you decide.
The Lymph Stress Quiz
Are you overweight?Do you have cellulite or fatty deposits?Do you suffer from aches and pains?Have you been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic fatiguesyndrome, multiple sclerosis, lupus, or other chronic immune system disorder?Have you ever yo-yo dieted?Do you feel bloated or have areas on your body that seem alittle pudgy?Are you prone to lumps and growths in your body?Do you experience abdominal bloating?
Chapter .: Targeting the Lymphatic System (and Cellulite) ...
Do you experience eye puffi ness?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, your lymph system could use further tuning up.
There are numerous ways to do this. You can continue with Phase 2 even after you have completed the prescribed week. Another option is to repeat Phase 2 as a stand-alone detox after you have completed the rest of the program.You can do Phase 2 for one week out of every month or for two days out of each week or you can use it to detoxify for a month at a time. Choose the approach that best fi ts your personality, discipline, time, and severity of your symptoms.
If you choose to use herbs for more than three weeks to assist with your lymphatic cleansing, I encourage you to consult a skilled herbalist. While using herbs to assist with lymphatic cleansing is usually quite safe, on rare occasions they can be toxic with long-term use. The human body adjusts to many circumstances, so herbs often work best when you change them periodically.
Thoroughly cleansing the lymphatic system is the key to long-term and efficient weight loss and great health. It is also the key to living without pain. The lymph system picks up toxins from your tissues and cells. If it is inefficient, then you may see fatty deposits or cellulite or experience aches and pains. Conversely, if you improve the cleansing ability of the lymph system, it will be able to “sweep” away the toxins that lead to cellulite.
A study by Dr. Elisabeth Dancey, author of The Cellulite Solution, found that women with cellulite showed lymphatic system defi ciencies.2 Thoroughly cleanse your lymphatic system and you will see cellulite diminish.
Ann Louise Gittleman, author of The Fat Flush, estimates that many people carry an extra ten to fifteen pounds of water that is trapped in their tissues, contributing to abdominal bloating, cellulite, and eye puffi ness.3 If you experience any of these symptoms or your tissues have an unnatural spongy feel to them, you may be experiencing
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the effects of a sluggish lymphatic system. Dr. Elson Haas, author of The False Fat Diet, refers to this bloating or excess fl uid retention as “false fat.” Many people mistakenly believe they are holding excess fat but may actually be bloated due to a sluggish lymphatic system. Ironically, if you drink inadequate amounts of water daily, your lymphatic system will slow down. It requires fluid to function properly.
A healthy lymphatic system also helps to purify your blood. One of the ways it does this is through the largest mass of lymph tissue in the body, the spleen. The spleen fights infection and destroys worn-out red blood cells in the body. It is an oval-shaped organ located to the left of the stomach. By cleansing your lymphatic system, your spleen will be better able to handle the retired red blood cells.
Cleansing the liver, in the third phase of The 4-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan, also helps boost your lymphatic cleansing eff orts since the liver is primarily responsible for producing lymph fluid.
Eat for a Clean Lymphatic System
Here are some of the best ways to cleanse your lymph system and get lymph fluid moving better:
Avoid chemical “foods”—that is, any foods that contain preservatives, flavours, colours, enhancers, stabilizers—in other words, most prepared, packaged, and fast foods. The farther away from the natural, whole fruit, vegetable, grain, or bean that a food has moved, the more likely it is to clog your lymphatic system.
Avoid foods that are difficult to digest, including fatty foods and simple sugars and simple carbohydrates. Most animal protein tends to be difficult to digest, requiring the body’s enzymes to digest them, instead of using these enzymes for more important functions. Sweet foods and the “whites,” which include white rice, white bread, white pasta, and any white flour products, require enormous amounts of energy to handle the resulting rapid blood sugar fluctuations. Th is energy is better served to cleanse your lymph.
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Drink plenty of water—as mentioned above, without adequate water, lymph fluid cannot flow properly. Lymph is a liquid and therefore requires water to flow. What if you totally stopped watering your plants? They would not survive. At first they might get a few brown spots or yellow leaves, then leaves would turn brown and fall off, and eventually the whole plant would become crisp and die. Plants need water to live. We are the same. Our bodies, including our lymph systems, need water to function properly. Like plants, some things would begin to deteriorate, then more systems in our bodies would fail, and eventually we would die without adequate water. Few of us consider our inadequate water intake as a source of our pain, discomfort, or other health problems. Forget the soda, trash the colour-laden sports drinks, and drop the sugary fruit punch. As Dr. Phil would say, it’s time to“get real.” Drink real water—the very stuff your cells depend on for health.
The enzymes and acids in raw fruit are powerful lymph cleansers, particularly when eaten on an empty stomach. That is one of the reasons you eat raw fruit in the morning on The 4-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan. Add more raw fruits, vegetables, salads, and fresh juices to your diet, and your lymph will have the tools it needs to do some serious deep cleansing.
Flavonoids, malic acid, citric acid, quinic acid, and enzymes (only in raw cranberries, not in pasteurised bottled cranberry juice) in cranberries and cranberry juice help to emulsify stubborn fat in the lymphatic system. Be sure to drink only pure, unsweetened cranberry juice. Dilute it about 4:1 water to cranberry juice. Alternatively, if you prefer a less tart juice, dilute one part unsweetened cranberry juice with two parts pure apple juice and two parts water. Make sure you use only pure apple juice devoid of sweeteners or preservatives.
Eat plenty of green vegetables to provide chlorophyll (the green colour in plants) and loads of vitamins and minerals to assist in lymph cleansing.
... The .-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan
Flax seeds and flax oil contain essential fatty acids that are required by your body for most functions, including lymphatic system functions. Grind flax seeds in a coffee grinder and sprinkle them on bread, grains, fruit, soy yogurt, or other food. Do not cook fl ax seeds. After grinding them, keep flax seeds covered in the refrigerator. Use cold-pressed flax oil on salads or pour it on steamed vegetables or baked potatoes. Again, do not heat flax oil. Simply pour on food after it has been cooked. Try to consume at least one to two tablespoons of flax oil and two tablespoons of ground flax seeds daily.
Organic eggs are helpful during lymphatic system cleansing. They provide a useable form of protein that prevents fluid from flowing into the spaces between cells. If fluid becomes trapped in these spaces due to insufficient protein intake, your body will hold onto excess water, may become bloated, and gain water weight. Eat only organic eggs, however, since other kinds typically contain synthetic hormones and antibiotics that are given to hens to supposedly prevent disease and stimulate egg production. These items do not belong in your body and can disrupt your body’s own hormone and intestinal bacteria balance. Restrict your consumption to several organic eggs per week.
Avoid large, heavy meals. Instead, eat smaller meals and snack between meals. Eat only when you are hungry, not when you are bored. If you are bored, find something else to do.
Foods high in essential fatty acids are critical to ensure a properly functioning lymph system. Some of these foods include fresh raw walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, macadamias, Brazil nuts, and other types of nuts; sunflower seeds, flax seeds, and pumpkin seeds; avocadoes; and cold-pressed oils. Be sure to eat fresh raw nuts and seeds that can be found in the refrigerator section of your local health food or grocery store. The essential fatty acids found in nuts and seeds go rancid easily. Eating rancid nuts and seeds exposes your body to further toxins that attack and damage cells. Eating fresh raw nuts and
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seeds provides your body with essential building blocks for health and life. In addition, they taste better.
The enzyme protease is helpful for moving lymph since it breaks down many toxins that have a protein coating. Protease helps break down bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and inflammation in the body. Protease is found in raw nuts, seeds, and fruits and vegetables, particularly those that have a higher protein content. Nature is truly miraculous. It supplies protein and the enzymes needed to digest protein, provided the foods are not heated above 118 degrees F (since all enzymes are destroyed above that temperature).
Clean Up Your Lymph
In addition to eating well to cleanse your lymphatic system, there are many other things you can do to get and keep your lymph moving freely. Here are some of the things you can do:
Try to get adequate sleep since sleep helps eliminate stress hormones from the body. These hormones encourage fat storage and a sluggish lymphatic system.
Studies show that virtually any type of massage can push up to 78 percent of stagnant lymph back into circulation. Massage frees trapped toxins. Follow the massage suggested in Chapter 6 to encourage lymphatic cleansing. In addition, you may wish to see a massage therapist skilled at lymphatic drainage massage. Lymphatic drainage is a specific form of massage that helps to encourage lymph fl ow and often works even with the most stubborn cases of fl uid buildup.
Essential oils such as geranium, juniper, and black pepper can be used in a bath or diluted in a pure oil as a body oil to stimulate the lymphatic system through massage and improve the flow of lymph, thereby helping your body eliminate toxins. See Chapter 6 for more details about using these oils to stimulate lymph cleansing.
Dry skin brushing helps improve lymphatic circulation. It is a simple practice that requires about a minute or two per day. Follow the instructions mentioned in Chapter 6.
... The .-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan
Stretching and aerobic types of exercise stimulate the lymphatic system to help lymph fl ow. These include yoga, walking, Pilates, and, of course, rebounding. Rebounding on a mini trampoline forces the millions of one-way valves in the lymphatic system to open, increasing lymph flow up to fourteen times, according to Morton Walker, author of Jumping for Health. Learn more about rebounding in Chapter 6.
Deep breathing creates muscular contractions and movement. The added oxygen also helps pump lymphatic fluid. You learned some powerful breathing exercises in Chapter 6 that help move lymph fluid.
Stagnant lymph increases the toxic load in the body. This can aff ect memory and mental function and contribute to infl ammation, pain, and bloating. It can result in cellulite, fatty deposits, and disorders such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, among others.
Alternating hot and cold showers helps to stimulate lymph fl ow in the body. I have included a hydrotherapy treatment in Chapter 6. It is an excellent adjunct therapy to incorporate into your lymph cleansing for optimum results. You can also use it any time you want a boost in your blood circulation. Be sure to check with your physician if you suspect any heart or blood pressure problems or have other medical concerns before attempting this hydrotherapy treatment.
Herbs for Deep Lymphatic Cleansing
There are many excellent herbs that help with lymphatic cleansing, including echinacea, astragalus, cleavers, goldenseal, pokeroot, and wild indigo root. If you are pregnant or have a serious health condition, consult a medical doctor before using any herbs. Consult a herbalist before combining two or more herbs or while taking medication with herbs. Avoid long-term use of any herb (longer than three weeks) without first consulting a qualified herbalist.
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Echinacea (Echinacea, various species)
Based on echinacea’s current popularity, it may be hard to imagine that over the last century echinacea was reviled. This powerful lymphatic system cleanser has a proven track record for its ability to increase the body’s immune response. Combined with another good lymph cleanser, astragalus, echinacea helps to reduce congestion and swelling. Make a decoction using two teaspoons of dried herb per cup of water. Bring to a boil. Simmer for fifteen minutes. Drink one cup, three times a day. Alternatively, take one teaspoon of tincture, three times a day.
Astragalus (Astragalus, various species)
Astragalus is an excellent lymphatic system cleanser and liver protector. It works well, especially when combined with echinacea, to alleviate congestion and swelling in the body. Th e Chinese have been using astragalus, which they refer to as “huang qi” for over two thousand years. Huang qi means life force strengthener. Astragalus is primarily available as a tincture or in capsule or tablet form. Since potency can vary greatly with this herb, it is best to follow the package directions for the optimum dose.
Cleavers (Galium aparine, also known as Goosegrass or Grip Grass)
The green parts of the plant are used (stems and small leaves). Cleavers cleanses the blood, is an anti-inflammatory, decreases the body’s tendency to form tumours, increases urinary flow, and tones and strengthens the body, all while enhancing the function of the lymphatic system. It is an excellent herb for swollen glands and swollen tonsils. Cleavers improves the ability of the lymphatic system to deal with toxins. It combines well with another herb, pokeroot. For cleavers tea, use two to three teaspoons of the dried herb per cup of water. Drink one cup three times daily. Alternatively use a half to one teaspoon of tincture three times a day. Avoid using cleavers if you suffer from diabetes or have diabetic tendencies.
... The .-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan
Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)
In addition to having anti-inflammatory properties, goldenseal helps to break down excess catarrh in the lungs, kills parasites, decreases pain, has laxative properties, stimulates muscles and digestion, tones and strengthens the skin and mucous membranes, and encourages lymphatic cleansing. Use a half to one teaspoon of dried herb per cup for an infusion. You can drink this mixture or use it as a wash. Alternatively take a half to one teaspoon of tincture three times a day.
Pokeroot (Phytolacca americana)
Pokeroot is a useful herb for improving the flow of lymph. It works well with immune- and lymph-related conditions such as adenitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, swollen glands, mumps, mastitis, and fi brocystic breast disease. Pokeroot helps to break down excess mucus in the body, eases rheumatic pain, is a strong laxative, and is an overall stimulant. It combines well with blue flag. Take one-third teaspoon per cup and simmer for fifteen minutes as a decoction. Alternatively, take one-eighth to one-quarter teaspoon of the tincture, three times a day. Do not increase the dose. The powerful laxative effects of this herb can be harmful in larger doses.
Wild Indigo Root (Baptisia tinctoria)
The root of the wild indigo plant helps destroy damaging microbes in the body, breaks down excess mucus and catarrh, decreases fevers, and of course, cleans up the lymphatic system and improves lymph flow. It works well if you have mucous congestion due to consuming dairy products or if you have acute reactions to eating dairy products.You can probably guess then that it is beneficial for the nose, sinuses, ears, and throat. It is helpful for conditions such as laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, swollen lymph glands, and fevers. If infections are present in these areas of the body, it is helpful to combine wild indigo root with echinacea. For lymphatic problems, it combines well with cleavers and pokeroot.You can take it as
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a decoction using one-third teaspoon of the dried root per cup of water. Simmer fifteen minutes. Take one cup three times a day. Alternatively, take a quarter to a half teaspoon of tincture three times per day.
Supercharge Your Lymph Cleansing Efforts
Donna Eden and David Feinstein recommend vigorously massaging any of the following areas wherever there is tenderness to encourage the flow of energy in areas where there are many lymphatic vessels or nodes. The following diagrams illustrate the neurolymphatic massage points suggested by Eden and Feinstein. The sorer the area, the more in need of massage it may be. This massage can take place anywhere, even while clothed. You do not need to be undressed to take a minute or two to vigorously rub any neurolymphatic massage points that feel tender.
In this chapter you learned
• How the lymphatic system plays an important role in keeping your body healthy • That many common symptoms like pain, infl ammation, and cellulite are signs of a sluggish lymphatic system • That you must cleanse your lymphatic system for optimum health • How to use foods, herbs, deep breathing, massage, and rebounding to assist with cleansing your lymphatic system References
1. Jillian Boyle, “Is Lymphatic Stress the Reason You’re Fat? Bloated? Hungry for Junk Food?” Woman’s World, March 2, 2004. 2. Ann Louise Gittleman, The Fat Flush Plan (McGraw-Hill, New York: 2002), p. 21. 3. Gittleman, The Fat Flush Plan, p. 20. ... The .-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan
Figure 9.1 Neurolymphatic massage points
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Targeting the Liver and Gallbladder
“Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.”
In this chapter you will learn
• The many important functions of the gallbladder and liver • The symptoms and disorders linked with an unhealthy liver and gallbladder • Why it is imperative to great health to cleanse your liver and gallbladder • How to use foods, herbs, and energy medicine to assist with your liver and gallbladder detoxifi cation Chapter ..: Targeting the Liver and Gallbladder ...
YOUR LIVER Your liver has over five hundred different functions, making it one of the most overworked organs in your body. A few of these functions include storing certain vitamins, minerals, and sugars for use as fuel; controlling both the production and excretion of cholesterol; and creating the thousands of enzymes that control virtually every function of your body. The liver also secretes a substance called bile that is stored in the gallbladder. You’ll learn a bit more about bile when we discuss the valuable role of the gallbladder below. Th e liver metabolizes proteins, fats, and carbohydrates and processes hemoglobin in the blood to allow use of its iron. The liver controls the production and excretion of cholesterol in your body. Literally, the liver performs more biochemical tasks than any other organ in your body.
The liver is a particularly stressed organ as a direct result of our modern lifestyle. All foreign substances that enter your body have to be filtered by your liver. These include alcohol; tobacco; environmental pollutants; food additives; pesticides; common cosmetic ingredients; household products; stress or excess sex hormones; thyroid or adrenal hormones; pharmaceutical and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs; caffeine; and much more.
You recently learned that the average person consumes fourteen pounds of food preservatives, additives, waxes, colourings, flavours, antimicrobials, and pesticide residues per year.1 Your liver is responsible for filtering all of these chemicals and many more. Th e liver must filter medications, including commonly used antibiotics and acetaminophen, sometimes resulting in damage to this important organ. It is critical in our modern age of chemical exposure to keep your liver functioning as effi ciently as possible.
The liver breaks fat-soluble chemicals into water-soluble compounds to prevent the body from storing these toxins in fat. Th is takes place in Phase 1 of detoxification in the liver. Th is phase begins
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the process of detoxifying substances such as car exhaust, medications, and internally produced substances such as hormones. In the second phase of liver detoxification, the liver breaks down toxins to convert them into harmless waste products that can be expelled via the urine or stool.
As I’ve said, many people dive head-over-heels into liver cleansing (and many health practitioners suggest this approach) but it can be damaging to a person if their kidneys and intestines are not prepared for increased toxin elimination. That is one of the reasons why it is imperative to cleanse the kidneys and intestines before beginning liver detoxifi cation. The toxins can build up in the liver, like a dam, then get dumped into the urinary and intestinal tract where they are unable to be released and get further backed up, resulting in damage to the body.
It is also imperative that both phases of liver detoxifi cation are functioning optimally and at the same pace. If either phase is sluggish, the liver cannot keep pace with toxins that enter the body. Toxins will continue to circulate through the blood and add extra burden to the other detox organs. The other detox organs are not capable of handling the liver’s job. This is like the engineering department attempting to do the job of the accounting department in an organization. They may be able to do some of the work, but more likely they do not have the training or skills to handle all the functions. An accounting backlog will ensue.
When the liver cannot handle all the toxins thrown at it and toxins continue to circulate through the body, you may begin to experience uncomfortable symptoms—the signs of an overburdened liver, which is also known as liver toxicity.
Dr. Scott Rigden conducted a study of over two hundred patients suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome and/or fi bromyalgia. He found that 80 percent of all sufferers of these two disorders had significant liver impairment. As patients’ symptoms improved, so did
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the results of liver function tests—indicating a correlation between liver stress and severity of symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and fi bromyalgia.2
Detoxifi cation of the liver, in its simplest terms, is divided into two phases, aptly named Phase 1 and Phase 2. Either or both phases can be hindered by toxic buildup in the body. Toxins initially enter the liver in Phase 1, during which time they are broken down into smaller fragments to allow easier elimination. Then they pass to Phase 2 in the liver, where enzymes convert toxins to more water-soluble forms or molecules (such as glutathione, glycine, and sulfate) are added to toxins to create substances that are less toxic to the body so they can be eliminated in the bile, urine, or stool.
Phase 1 can be hindered if too many toxins enter the liver at once. Phase 2 can often be inefficient at keeping up with the toxins leaving Phase 1, thereby creating an imbalance that often results in symptoms of drug or environmental chemical intolerances. In such cases, people may have trouble with perfumes (after all, they are mostly made up of synthetic and toxic chemicals), gas fumes, paint, or other chemicals.
If the liver is overloaded with toxins, these toxins can leave the liver to be stored in fat tissue, central nervous system cells, and your brain. These stored toxins may circulate in the blood at other times, contributing to chronic disease. Ineffi cient detoxification in the liver is suspected by holistic health experts to play a role in many diseases, including skin disorders, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fi bromyalgia, and inflammation in the body.
The liver simply was not designed to handle all the synthetic chemicals in modern life. In the past one hundred years, the liver has become increasingly abused through exposure to chemicalized and processed foods, pharmaceutical drugs, chemically treated water, vehicle exhaust, chemical cleaners, and hydrogenated oils and trans fats. Hydrogenated oils are foreigners to the body. They are artifi cially
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hardened using metal and hydrogen gas. Eating them is comparable to eating plastic food and almost as toxic. Manufacturers of many “fake fats” such as margarine—a fat that is supposed to go through your body undigested—do not have even a modest interest in the workings of the body. They prey on people who believe that these fake fats will travel from the mouth to the colon untouched. Th e body does not work that way. The main organ that is compromised by these toxic fats is the liver. It will become clogged and ineffi cient at its job. You will likely start to gain weight or suff er skin problems or have headaches or some other unwanted problem by continuing to abuse the liver.
Many people choose to eat a low-fat diet despite what researchers and nutritionists have been claiming for years. Eating a low-fat diet will result in defi ciencies of essential fatty acids, which are needed for a healthy body. On such a diet, your body will have symptoms of fatty acid deficiencies, usually in four weeks or less. One of the most common symptoms is a slowed metabolism. The liver also slows, making it less efficient at breaking down fat in the body as well as the many toxins it is exposed to. That means more toxic substances circulating throughout the body. I cringe when I hear someone tell me that they eat a “good, low-fat diet to lose weight.” You will not lose weight on a low-fat diet. More likely you will gain numerous health problems.
The liver simply cannot handle the onslaught of synthetic chemicals we throw at it.Yet even when the liver has lost up to 80 percent of its ability to function, it continues working. But working and working optimally are two substantially different things. We are interested in improving the liver’s function so that it works optimally.
Perhaps the most impressive thing about the liver is its ability to regenerate itself. When it is given the critical nutrients, a healthy non-stressful diet, and herbs to help it function, it can be restored to health in most circumstances.
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GALLBLADDER Your gallbladder is a small organ that sits below the liver on the right side of your abdomen, under the rib cage. Through a series of ducts, it is connected to the liver and the small intestines. Th e gallbladder secretes a green-coloured substance called bile to help break down fat and stimulate contractions of the intestines to push waste matter out of your bowels. The liver produces bile and sends it to the gallbladder for storage and secretion as necessary. Most bile is circulated in the digestive tract. If the waste matter in the intestines is not moving through at a healthy speed, bile may be reabsorbed through the walls of the intestine and returned to the liver in the bloodstream.
Some of the symptoms that are associated with gallbladder toxicity include difficulty digesting fatty foods, skin problems, migraines, joint problems, chronic neck problems, pain in the upper abdomen (usually lasting twenty minutes to several hours), pain between the shoulder blades, nausea, vomiting, or any symptoms that worsen after eating fatty foods. Even heart problems are sometimes linked to gallbladder toxicity when the gallbladder is not adequately controlling blood fats.
Of course, there is also the concern about gallstones. Gallstones are solid pieces of crystalline material that form when the gallbladder does not secrete adequate bile over time. They range in size from a grain of sand to a golf ball and are made up of fats, cholesterol, bile pigments, and minerals in bile. About 80 percent of all gallstones, according to some estimates, are made of cholesterol and are typically white or yellowish-coloured. Other stones are darker and are made up of calcium salts and an orangey-yellow waste product in the body called bilirubin. Bilirubin is what gives urine its yellow colour.
Over one million people in the United States are diagnosed with gallstones every year. While in theory the gallbladder should be able to keep up with the body’s toxin load, this is often not the case, particularly in people who eat a fatty diet over long periods of time
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(i.e., the average person in North America), take birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy, smoke cigarettes, drink heavily, go on crash diets or lose weight quickly, or eat a low-fi bre diet with lots of sugary or starchy foods (also the average North American). Pregnancy, diabetes, pancreatitis, obesity, and celiac disease are also factors that may increase the risk of gallbladder toxicity.
Liver and Gallbladder Stress Quiz
Do you suffer from any of the following signs of liver toxicity?3 Abdominal bloating Alcohol intolerance Allergies Arthritis (some types) Asthma Bad breath or a coated tongue Bowel infections Brain “fog” Chronic fatigue syndrome Crohn’s disease Cravings for sweets Dark circles under the eyes Depression Diffi culty losing weight Environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivities Fatigue Fatty liver Fevers Fibromyalgia Fluid retention Gallbladder disease Gallstones or gravel
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Headaches and migraines
High blood pressure
High cholesterol levels
Hypoglycemia (unstable blood sugar levels)
Hormone imbalances
Immune system disorders
Irritable bowel syndrome
Mood swings
Overweight or obesity
Poor appetite
Poor digestion
Recurring nausea and/or vomiting with no known cause
Skin diseases
Slow metabolism
Ulcerative colitis
If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, you may benefi t from further cleansing of your liver and gallbladder, which will in turn strengthen your body’s ability to break down fat and fatty deposits.
Eat for a Clean Liver and Gallbladder
Your intestinal tract should be functioning optimally before cleansing the liver. That means you should be having two to three large bowel movements daily, typically after each time you eat.
Eating a healthy diet is imperative for optimal liver functioning. The liver requires high amounts of vitamins and minerals to perform its many functions.Your diet should be high in fruits and vegetables and fibre-rich foods. It should be free of processed foods, artifi cial
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food additives, colours, preservatives, and animal foods such as meat, poultry, and dairy products. A diet low in refined sugar and fatty foods is important as well. Avoid synthetic sweeteners. Try to eat foods that are devoid of pesticides and synthetic chemicals used in the growing processes.Avoid drinking with meals. Drink just enough water at mealtimes to take nutritional or herbal supplements. Avoid eating if you feel particularly stressed or anxiety-ridden.
Eat only when you are hungry and stop when you are full. Eating fruit in the morning is helpful for liver cleansing, as is eating a large, raw salad with lunch and dinner. Conversely, if you are hungry, eat. Too many people literally starve themselves and their bodies of adequate nutrition because they refrain from eating throughout the day. Your body needs proper nourishment to work properly. Remember the car analogy I used earlier?
As with cleansing any of the other organ systems, you will need to drink between eight and ten glasses of pure, filtered water every day. This is the only way to flush toxins out of your body. Your cells require fluid to work properly and to suspend toxins for elimination. A recent study showed a higher incidence of Alzheimer’s disease in people who do not drink enough water.4
During The 4-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan, you start every morning with lemon water. This is a great practice to continue whenever you wish to cleanse your liver. In addition, taking one to three tablespoons of pectin in water or pure fruit juice helps to absorb toxins. Eat a couple of apples per day to obtain the pectin they contain.
Eat at least two carrots per day (baby carrots don’t count as a full carrot) and one or more beets every day, both of which are powerful liver-cleansing and rebuilding foods. In addition, eat two large green salads or a minimum of one cup of green veggies per day. Th e chlorophyll that gives plants their green colour, helps cleanse the liver.
Try to eat two heaping tablespoons of ground fl ax seeds. Th ey bind to hormone receptor sites, preventing excess hormones from
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floating around your bloodstream. One of the liver’s fi ve hundred jobs is to filter excess hormones. By eating flax seeds and flax oil you are helping it function more effectively. Flaxseeds can be sprinkled on cereal, toast, salads, or blended into smoothies.
Include one to two tablespoons of cold-pressed flax seed oil into your diet to help cleanse the liver and gallbladder. Actually, this is an excellent practice to maintain even after you have finished your cleanse. Flax seed oil provides essential fatty acids that are critical to keep your liver functioning optimally, in addition to their many other uses within the body.
Research shows consuming seven to ten servings of fruit and vegetables per day helps people lose more weight than cutting back on sugary and fatty foods. Evidence also confirms that high produce consumption cuts your risk of getting all types of cancer and lowers the risk of getting heart disease by 40 percent.5
Eat one or two cloves of garlic, the equivalent of one-half onion (this can be part of an entrée that incorporates the onion for fl avour), and a handful of broccoli spears per day, since these foods contain sulphur, which is required to increase enzyme activity (and therefore increase liver cleansing activity).
Avoid eating large meals. Instead, eat small meals made up of plenty of easy-to-digest foods. Eat steamed vegetables, raw salad greens, raw fruits, and bitter greens. The bitter greens help to stimulate bile flow. Eat whole, raw, unsalted nuts and seeds for their essential fatty acids as well as their usable protein.
Avoid eating heavy, fatty foods since they just create more work for the liver and optimum conditions for the formation of gallstones. You should definitely be avoiding margarine, shortening, commercial oils and any foods made with them. Avoid eating animal fat and fried foods as well.
Avoid eating refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pastries, cookies, cakes, white pasta, white sugar, and soft drinks. Avoid coff ee, chocolate, and spicy foods while cleansing the liver.
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If you are suffering from gallstones or a sluggish gallbladder, drink three to four cups of pure unsweetened apple juice daily. Th e malic acid in the juice helps to break down stones and stagnant bile.
If you have difficulty with the vegetarian nature of this program, you may wish to eat organic eggs in moderation while cleansing the liver and gallbladder. They contain lecithin, which is needed for liver cleansing. Soybeans, tofu, soy milk, and other soy foods also contain lecithin.
Avoid eating for several hours before bedtime to allow the liver adequate time during the night to perform its many functions, unimpeded by other bodily processes.
FOODS THAT BURN FAT The liver is the primary organ to help your body metabolize fat. If you are overweight or have a few extra bulges you’d be happy to be rid of, you can increase the fat-burning power of the detoxifi cation by adding more foods that help your liver to burn fat better. Th ere are many fabulous foods that fight fat, but the ones below are my picks as the top twelve.
Top 12 Fat-Fighting Foods
1. Oatmeal: This complex carbohydrate (the good kind) is slow to digest and helps to keep blood sugar levels stable while keeping you feeling full. Research also shows that consuming oatmeal reduces a person’s cravings for fatty foods.6 Be sure to eat the unsweetened kind. 2. Leafy Greens: Spinach, spring mix, mustard greens, and other dark leafy greens are good sources of fibre and powerhouses of nutrition. Research demonstrates that their high concentration of vitamins and antioxidants helps prevent hunger while protecting you from heart disease, cancer, cataracts, and memory loss.7 Chapter ..: Targeting the Liver and Gallbladder ...
3. Olives and Olive Oil: Being rich in healthy fats, olives and olive oil help to reduce cravings for junky foods and keep you feeling full. Research shows that monounsaturated fats that are plentiful in these foods help reduce high blood pressure.8 4. Beans and Legumes: Legumes are the best source of fi bre of any foods. They help to stabilize blood sugar while keeping you regular. They are also high in potassium, a critical mineral that reduces dehydration and the risk of high blood pressure and stroke. A legume, soy is particularly good for fat-burning. Isoflavones found in soy foods speed the breakdown of stored fat. In one study, those who consumed high amounts of soy products shed three times more superfl uous weight than did their counterparts who ate no soy.9 5. and 6. Garlic and Onions: These yummy foods contain phytochemicals that break down fatty deposits in the body, while also breaking down cholesterol; killing viruses, bacteria, and fungi; and protecting against heart disease.10 7. Tomatoes: Packed with vitamin C and the phytochemical lycopene, tomatoes stimulate the production of the amino acid known as carnitine. Research has shown that carnitine helps speed the body’s fat-burning capacity by one-third. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that studies show cuts the risk of heart disease by 29 percent.11 8. Nuts: Raw, unsalted nuts provide your body with essential fatty acids that help burn fat. Their high nutrient content also lowers the risk of heart attack by 60 percent. Research shows that consuming nuts can be as eff ective as cholesterol-lowering drugs to reduce high cholesterol levels, not to mention they taste better and have no nasty side eff ects.12 9. Cayenne: This hot spice lowers the risk of excess insulin in the body by speeding metabolism and lowering blood glucose (sugar) levels, before the excess insulin can result in fat stores.13 ... The .-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan
10. Turmeric: The popular spice used primarily in Indian cooking contains the highest known source of beta carotene, the antioxidant that helps protect the liver from free radical damage. Turmeric also helps your liver heal (see below) while helping your body metabolize fats by decreasing the fat storage rate in liver cells.14 11. Cinnamon: Researchers at the United States Department of Agriculture showed that a one-quarter to one teaspoon of cinnamon with food helps metabolize sugar up to twenty times better than food not eaten with cinnamon.15 Excess sugar in the blood can lead to fat storage. 12. Flax Seeds and Flax Seed Oil: These seeds and oil attract oil-soluble toxins that are lodged in the fatty tissues of the body to escort them out.16 Nutrients for Improving Liver and Gallbladder Function
Take one or two digestive enzyme tablets with every meal. Ideally, the tablet should include the following: proteases I, II, and III, maltase, amylase, lipase, cellulase, peptidase, lactase, and invertase.
For optimal liver cleansing, take two tablespoons of high-quality, cold-pressed flax seed oil as part of your diet. In addition, add one to two tablespoons of freshly ground (use a small coffee grinder) flax seeds, sprinkled on food, after it has been cooked. Avoid cooking flax seeds or flax oil.
Eat plenty of garlic and onions since they are high in sulphur, which is important to help your liver function optimally. In addition, eat plenty of the other top twelve fat-fighting foods mentioned above.
Lecithin helps the liver metabolize fats and reduce cholesterol. It contains a substance called phosphatidylcholine and essential fatty acids that help keep liver cells healthy and help prevent fatty deposits
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from building up in the liver. Lecithin also helps reduce high blood pressure by allowing the blood vessels to relax to allow better blood flow. You can get lecithin in soy foods such as soy milk, tofu, and miso, as well as organic eggs. Alternatively, take 4000 mg of lecithin in capsule form daily.
Take a high-quality multivitamin and mineral supplement. In addition, take 1000 to 3000 mg of vitamin C daily, even if there is vitamin C in your multivitamin.
The amino acid taurine is needed for liver support, especially for liver-related disorders in which tissues swell or fluid accumulates. Taurine helps your liver manufacture bile and metabolize fats and break down cholesterol. Taurine is required to keep bile fluid and to remove toxic chemicals from the body.
Clean Up Your Liver and Gallbladder
For people who are very ill and show signs of severe toxicity or are aware of extreme toxic exposure, cleansing the liver should be done slowly and gradually over months for best results. Consult a holistic doctor if you suspect liver or gallbladder disease.
Avoid use of acetominophen (Tylenol and similar painkillers) since it destroys glutathione in the liver, particularly when combined with alcohol. Refrain from consuming alcohol while cleansing and rebuilding your liver since all alcohol must be filtered by the liver and adds undue stress to a potentially stressed organ. Avoid taking any medications not prescribed by a doctor.
It is important to exercise regularly while cleansing your liver to increase the oxygen available for enzyme production and therefore liver and gallbladder detoxification. Before breakfast is the ideal time to exercise while conducting a liver and gallbladder cleanse.
While lying flat on your back, you can gently massage the liver-gallbladder area, which is located along the lower rib area on the right side of your body. This helps improve circulation to the area.
... The .-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan
Herbs for Deep Liver and Gallbladder Cleansing
There are many powerful herbs that help with liver and gallbladder cleansing, while helping to heal both organs. Some of the best ones include milk thistle, dandelion root, globe artichoke, turmeric, slippery elm, greater celandine, balmony, barberry, black root, blue flag, boldo, fringetree bark, vervain, and wahoo. If you are pregnant or have a serious health condition, consult a medical doctor before using any herbs. Consult an herbalist before combining two or more herbs or if you are taking medication with herbs. Avoid long-term use of any herb (longer than three weeks) without first consulting a qualifi ed herbalist.
Milk Th istle (Silybum marianum)
The primary medicinal ingredient in milk thistle is called silymarin. This compound protects the liver by inhibiting damaging substances in the liver that cause liver cell damage. Silymarin also stimulates liver cell regeneration to help the liver rebuild after it has been damaged.17 Silymarin also helps to prevent the depletion of the nutrient glutathione—one of the most critical nutrients for liver detoxifi cation. Alcohol consumption and many synthetic chemicals deplete glutathione in the liver.
Milk thistle is one of the most well-researched liver herbs. With more than one hundred studies that successfully demonstrate milk thistle’s liver-protecting and -regenerating properties,18 milk thistle makes an excellent choice for cleansing and rebuilding the liver. Milk thistle has proven itself helpful for hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver damage, cholestasis (bile stagnation), and alcohol- and chemical-induced fatty liver. Silymarin also stimulates hepatocytes (liver cells) to replace diseased tissue. A one-month study involving 129 patients showed that milk thistle brought a 50 percent improvement in the symptoms of toxic-metabolic liver damage, fatty degeneration of the liver, liver enlargement, and chronic hepatitis.19
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Another ingredient in milk thistle, silybin, is believed to protect the genetic material within the liver cells, thereby improving the synthesis of proteins in the liver and reducing the risk of liver cancer.20 Milk thistle aids in soothing the mucous membranes, which is helpful if gallstones or inflammation of the gallbladder is present.
Milk thistle increases liver enzyme production, repairs damaged liver tissue, and blocks the damaging effects of some toxins.21 Over one hundred studies show the liver-supporting properties of the active ingredient, silymarin.22
In one study silymarin, extracted from milk thistle, protected the livers of animals that were given large doses of the common painkiller acetaminophen from damage. In another study, silymarin minimized the damage from long-term exposure to several toxic industrial chemicals, including toluene (commonly found in nail polish) and xylene. Initially, workers had abnormal levels of liver enzymes, indicating damage. After taking 140 mg of silymarin, three times per day, their liver enzymes normalized.
Silymarin in milk thistle seeds is not very water-soluble so does not extract well into tea. Instead, take a standardized extract containing about 140 mg of silymarin for liver cleansing and protection.
Dandelion Root (Taraxacum officinale)
Nature grows a liver-cleansing pharmacy every spring. It is the dreaded weed that most people curse as it pokes its yellow-fl owered head through the green of their lawn. Dandelion is one of Mother Nature’s finest liver herbs.
You already learned that dandelion has cleansing effects on the kidneys and urinary tract, but it is also a superb cleansing herb for the liver. It helps to clear obstructions and stimulate the liver to eliminate toxins. It also helps stimulate bile flow from the liver, which is important to release toxins and prevent clogging of the liver. Th e Australian Journal of Medical Herbalism cited two studies
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that showed the liver-regenerating properties of dandelion in cases of jaundice, liver swelling, hepatitis, and indigestion.23 Dandelion is also helpful as a laxative and anti-inflammatory herb. It stimulates the gallbladder to encourage the flow of bile and the normal digestion of fats. It reduces the risk of gallstones. Dandelion also reduces the symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism. It works well combined with milk thistle or bayberry.
According to Ann Louise Gittleman, author of The Fat Flush Plan, dandelion root aids the liver and fat metabolism in two ways: it stimulates the liver to produce more bile to send to the gallbladder, and at the same time causes the gallbladder to contract and release its stored bile, assisting with fat metabolism.24
If you choose to incorporate dandelion root into your liver cleansing efforts, take 500 to 2000 mg daily in capsules. Alternatively, you can make a decoction by using two teaspoons of powdered dandelion root per cup of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for fi fteen minutes. Drink one cup, three times daily. A third option is to take one teaspoon of the tincture, three times daily.
Globe Artichoke (Cynara scolymus)
Globe artichoke contains compounds called caff eylquinic acids, which have demonstrated powerful liver-regenerating eff ects similar to those of milk thistle.25 Substantial research shows its capacity to protect and regenerate the liver and clean the blood. It has been helpful in cases of liver insufficiency, liver damage, liver diseases, poor digestion, gallstones, and chronic constipation. It has also helped lower cholesterol and triglycerides. Globe artichoke is usually found in capsule form. Doses range from 300 to 500 mg daily.
Turmeric (Curcuma longal)
A commonly used spice in Indian curries, turmeric helps regenerate liver cells and cleanse the liver of toxins. Turmeric also increases the
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production of bile to help expel toxins and may help reduce liver inflammation. Turmeric has also been shown to increase levels of two liver-supporting enzymes that promote Phase 2 liver detoxifi cation reactions.Turmeric is also great for decreasing cholesterol levels and for decreasing pain and inflammation in other parts of the body. Th ere are numerous ways to benefit from the healing properties of turmeric.You can mix equal parts of turmeric and honey to form a paste and take it by the teaspoonful, up to five teaspoons per day. A word of warning: your teeth may temporarily turn a yellowish colour, so be sure to keep a toothbrush nearby. Turmeric also comes in capsules and tablets, sometimes under the label “curcumin,” which is the key ingredient in turmeric. You can follow the Indian lead and cook with turmeric to create some delicious curry dishes.You will find a recipe for Lentil Dahl in Chapter 13 that uses turmeric. James Duke, one of the foremost herbal experts, recommends the following tea combination for the liver in his book Th e Green Pharmacy. Mix to taste: licorice, dandelion, chicory, turmeric, and ginger. Store in a jar and use one teaspoonful of herb per cup of boiling water to make a tea. Drink one cup, three times daily.
Slippery Elm (Ulmus fulva or Ulmus campestris)
Slippery elm bark is good for problems with the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, such as gastritis and stomach ulcers. People with severely toxic livers and abnormal bile production sometimes suffer from irritations of the mucous membranes. Make a decoction of slippery elm bark using two teaspoons of dried herb per cup of water. Drink one cup, three times daily. Alternatively, take one teaspoon of the tincture, three times daily. If you are prone to allergies, be cautious while using slippery elm bark.
Greater Celandine (Chelidonium majus)
All parts of this plant—roots, stems, leaves, and fl owers—off er medicinal properties that are helpful for cleansing the liver, urinary
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tract, intestinal tract, and blood. It also helps reduce pain. Greater celandine is also used in the treatment of inflammation of the gallbladder or gallstones. It has antispasmodic properties, which helps to relax the muscles of the various ducts and reduce cramping pains. Take half a teaspoon of the tincture three times per day to benefi t from greater celandine’s liver-cleansing properties.
Balmony (Chelone glabra)
If you are suffering from jaundice or gallbladder problems, you will find balmony helpful. The herb’s main use is for gallbladder problems, including inflammation of the gallbladder, due to either infection or gravel or stones. It is particularly good when the gallstones are sufficiently large that they are blocking the flow of bile. If that happens the bile backs up into the liver and is dispersed throughout the bloodstream, causing the yellowing of the skin seen in jaundice. For this purpose, it combines well with goldenseal.
It reduces nausea and vomiting and has stimulant properties. Balmony stimulates the appetite and flow of digestive juices. It is helpful for dyspepsia or heartburn, nausea, and colic. It is also used in expelling worms. Steep two teaspoons of the dried herb per cup of boiled water for ten to fifteen minutes. Drink three cups daily. Alternatively, take one-quarter teaspoon of the tincture three times per day.
Barberry (Berberis vulgaris)
The bark, roots, stems, and berries of barberry offer cleansing properties that help with detoxifying the liver and gallbladder. It stimulates the flow of bile and digestive juices, reduces nausea and vomiting, tones and strengthens the body, and stimulates bowel action. It is used for gallbladder problems such as nausea and biliousness, inflammation, and gallstones. It is also helpful for mild to severe liver problems, even those severe enough to cause jaundice. It is eff ective
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against microorganisms, including malaria and the fungus Candida albicans. Use one teaspoonful of the dried root per cup of boiling water. Drink one cup three times per day. Alternatively, take ¼ to ½ teaspoon of the tincture two to three times per day.
Black Root (Leptandra virginica)
The Seneca natives shared their knowledge of black root to help Europeans who came to North America. It stimulates bile flow, promotes perspiration and cleansing through the skin, has antispasmodic properties, and strongly encourages bowel elimination. It is useful in the treatment of cholecystitis or inflamed gallbladder and for liver congestion that may lead to jaundice. It works well with barberry and dandelion for liver congestion. Avoid using the fresh root since it can cause violent vomiting and purging of the bowels. Use black root with care. Use one teaspoon of the dried root per cup of water. Simmer for ten minutes. Drink one cup three times per day. Alternatively, use a quarter to a half teaspoon of the tincture, three times per day.
Blue Flag (Iris versicolor)
Blue flag stimulates bile flow and purging of the intestines, reduces inflammation, and cleanses the blood and urinary tract. It is good for eczema and psoriasis, acne, and other skin eruptions. For skin problems, blue flag works well with burdock and yellow dock. Use half to one teaspoon of the dried herb per cup of boiling water. Drink one cup three times daily. Alternatively, use a quarter to a half teaspoon of the tincture three times daily.
Boldo (Peumus boldo)
The leaves of this South American herb stimulate bile fl ow and tone the liver and increase urination to cleanse the urinary tract. Boldo helps with gallbladder inflammation and gallstones, as well as cystitis
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and fluid retention. It also has sedative properties to help a person relax. Use one teaspoon of the dried leaves per cup of boiling water. Drink one cup three times per day. Alternatively, take one-quarter teaspoon of the tincture three times per day.
Fringetree Bark (Chionanthus virginicus)
This powerful liver- and gallbladder-cleansing herb is useful in even severe circumstances. It is helpful for gallstones, gallbladder inflammation, and jaundice. It also normalizes bowel movements. It stimulates bile flow, tones the liver, cleanses blood, and encourages urine flow to cleanse the urinary tract. Make an infusion from one to two teaspoons of the dried herb per cup of boiling water. Let brew for 10 minutes. Drink three cups daily. Alternatively, take one-quarter teaspoon of tincture three times per day.
Vervain (Verbena offi cinalis)
Vervain tones the liver and helps to stimulate normal functioning of both the liver and gallbladder. It is not a primary liver or gallbladder herb but still works well, especially in conjunction with other herbs.
Vervain has antispasmodic properties, calms the nervous system, tones and strengthens the overall body, promotes perspiration and cleansing through the skin, and stimulates breast milk production in women who are nursing infants. Vervain also helps with depression, especially in combination with the herbs skullcap, oats, and lady’s slipper. Use between one and three teaspoons of dried herb per cup of water to make an infusion. Drink one cup, three times per day. Alternatively, take a half to one teaspoon of the tincture three times per day.
Wahoo (Euonymus atropurpureus)
The bark of this herb is far more useful than its name might suggest. It stimulates the liver, primarily by stimulating bile flow. It is one of the best
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liver-cleansing herbs, alongside milk thistle and dandelion. It is good for treating virtually any type of liver and gallbladder problem, including jaundice, gallstones, gallbladder inflammation, and pain. It also cleanses the blood, urinary tract, and intestines. In the latter case, it does so through its laxative effect. Wahoo is also good if you feel sluggish. Make a decoction using a half to one teaspoon of dried herb per cup of water. Drink one cup of this strained mixture, three times per day. Alternatively, you can take a half to one teaspoon of the tincture three times per day.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
You learned about yarrow’s potent healing abilities for the urinary tract. It is also a good liver cleanser. Two animal studies proved its ability to protect the liver from toxic chemical damage.A study from researchers in India proves its abilities for healing hepatitis.26 Use one teaspoon of the dried herb (any combination of leaves, flowers, or stems) per cup of boiling water. Drink one cup three times per day.
Astragalus (Astragalus, various species)
In addition to cleansing the lymphatic system, astragalus is an excellent liver protector. In his book The New Healing Herbs, Michael Castleman cites a study conducted in China, in which mice were given stilbenemide, a cancer chemotherapy drug that causes liver damage. Some mice were given astragalus as well. Th e ones that received only the drug developed serious liver damage, while those that also took astragalus did not. Astragalus is primarily available as a tincture or in capsule or tablet form. Since potency can vary greatly with this herb, it is best to follow the package directions for the optimum dose.
Supercharge Your Liver and Gallbladder Cleansing
You can employ some powerful energy medicine techniques to improve the cleansing ability of the liver and gallbladder.Two of the best
... The .-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan
ones include acupressure for these detox organs, and massaging the neurolymphatic massage points that are linked to the gall- bladder and liver.
Acupressure for Liver Cleansing
• Heart 8 (H 8) is located on the palm of the hand, about one inch below the webbing between the little finger and ring fi nger. • Liver 2 (Liv 2) is located on the top of the foot where the big toe and the second toe meet.Th en:
• Lung 8 (Lu 8) is located on the inside of the arm, on the thumb side, about one inch higher than the wrist crease. • Liver 4 (Liv 4) is located on the front of the ankle bone on the inside of the leg. Figure 10.1 Acupressure for liver cleansing ......................................Acupressure for Gallbladder Cleansing
• Small Intestine 5 (SI 5) is located on the back of the hand at the level of the wrist, on the little finger side. • Gallbladder 38 (GB 38) is located on the outside of the lower leg, several inches above the ankle in a depression where the two bones meet. Chapter ..: Targeting the Liver and Gallbladder ...
Th en:
• Large Intestine 1 (LI 1) is located on the outside edge (the thumb side) of the index finger at the base of the nail. • Gallbladder 44 (GB 44) is located on the outside edge of the fourth toe (nearest the little toe) at the base of the toenail. Acupressure for gallbladder cleansing ........................................Figure 10.2
Massage to Enhance Liver and Gallbladder Cleansing
You can massage parts of the lymphatic system that correspond with the liver and gallbladder. These include the following:
• under the right breast, from the outside edge of the ribs to the middle of the body; • under the inside edge of the third and fourth ribs; and • about an inch on either side of the spine between the shoulder blades. Vigorously massage the areas mentioned above, which you will fi nd in the following diagram (Fig. 10.3). These areas are much larger than acupressure points, so don’t worry if you’re on the right spot. If it feels tender to rub, you’ve found the right spots. You can be fully clothed while spending a minute or two vigorously massaging these areas.
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Figure 10.3 Acupressure for gallbladder cleansing
Cleansing your liver and gallbladder on a regular basis gives these two valuable organs the boost they need to perform over fi ve hundred functions. Consider your detoxifi cation efforts for these organs comparable to insurance. By restoring the health of the liver and gallbladder through periodic cleansing, you are helping to ensure the health of hundreds of processes in your body, all of which are essential to great health.
In this chapter you learned
• The gallbladder and liver perform over 500 important functions • There are many symptoms and disorders linked with an unhealthy liver and gallbladder • It is critical to great health that you cleanse your liver and gallbladder • Particular foods, herbs, and energy medicine techniques assist with liver and gallbladder detoxifi cation Chapter ..: Targeting the Liver and Gallbladder ...

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